
CM4 - Tensions on LCDM cosmological model and model-independent constraints


Martinelli, Matteo


Bruni, Marco; Hogg, Natalie; Peirone, Simone

Talk Title

Observational constraints on cold dark matter – vacuum energy interaction


In this talk I will investigate a possible interaction between cold dark matter and vacuum energy, characterizing the strength of the coupling by a dimensionless parameter qV that is free to take different values in multiple redshift bins from the primordial epoch up to today. We reconstruct the function qV(z) both as a simple binned function and with the use of Gaussian Process techniques, assessing the impact of this choice on the results. We test this scenario using the latest CMB Planck data, also in combination with Large Scale Structure data, from Weak Lensing and Redshift Space Distortion observation, and with background data.

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