
CM4 - Tensions on LCDM cosmological model and model-independent constraints


Pinho, Ana Marta


Pinho, Ana Marta; Casas, Santiago; Amendola, Luca

Talk Title

Model-independent reconstruction of the anisotropic stress parameter η


The goal of this work is to constrain the anisotropic stress parameter η in a model-independent way, without assumptions on the initial conditions or Dark Matter. This model-independent relation can be linked to the quasistatic limit for a Horndeski Lagragian which makes these constraints a test for this class of Dark Energy models. The recent available data of Hubble expansion rate, Redshift Space Distortions and Lensing observables enable this analysis and we account for the problem of data reconstruction by comparing three different methods. Our results are in agreement with the standard model scenario, that is η=1, but it departures from this value at higher redshift.

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