
CM4 - Tensions on LCDM cosmological model and model-independent constraints


Benetti, Micol


Graef, Leila; Alcaniz, Jailson

Talk Title

Baryon Acoustic Oscillations measurements and the H0 tension


In this talk I will investigate the role of two different samples of Baryon Acoustic Oscillations (BAO) on the cosmological analysis, the first obtained using two-point spatial correlation functions (BAO 2PCF) while the other using angular correlation functions (BAO 2PACF). We consider these measurements joined to the latest Cosmic Microwave Background Planck data, also in combination with Weak Lensing, thermal Sunyaev-Zeldovich counts and current local measurements of the Hubble value, H0, in order to better explore the H0 and the sigma8 tensions. In our work we test the standard model and some of its extensions, founding that BAO 2PCF always favor the standard scenario whereas the combinations using BAO 2PACF ever prefer the extended models. Furthermore, this latter constrain an higher H0 value, which alleviates the tension between the Planck 2015 CMB data and the HST value of H0.

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