
HR2 - Angelo Secchi and Astrophysics


Sigismondi, Costantino


Costantino Sigismondi; Wolker Vollmann; Daniele Impellizzeri; Francesco Vastola; Tommaso Vastola; Samuele Terracina

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Stars scintillation and sky transparency in Rome from the observations of Angelo Secchi and AAVSO -SGQ and VOL data on alf Ori


The seeing in the roman sky from Secchi to present is discussed by analyzing the work of Secchi on the Orion Nebula and after 2000 observations contributing to AAVSO international database by SGQ, author of this paper. Secchi found the daily and seasonal variability of the turbulence and transparency of the night sky with his long experience at Collegio Romano Observatory during the years of gradual change from night illumination with candles to gas. Sigismondi and Vollmann observed since 2012 Betelgeuse, with a database of almost 500 observations in visual and 500 in V bands, they are compared with V-band observations made in Austria by VOL and instrumental. The departures, up to 0.7 magnitudes, appear only at star-rise or star-set, when scintillation is maximal. The comparison between Orion Nebula observed at Secchi time with Merz refractor and nowadays with same aperture newtonian telescope is presented.

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