
HR2 - Angelo Secchi and Astrophysics


Sigismondi, Costantino


Alexandre Humberto Andrei, Sérgio Boscardin, Jucira Lousada Penna

Talk Title

The Mira of Secchi at Pincio and its concepts reused at the Observatorio Nacional in Rio de Janeiro


Every observatory has a sighting scope and a target to align down to an arcsecond the axis of a telescope. Secchi located at 1.39 Km from the Collegio Romano Observatory his target whose dimensions of 4x7 cm are a standard like for atmosphere, as the Secchi disks are for marine water. In Rio de Janeiro a similar mira (target) was setup to calibrate the reflecting heliometer in daylight, using also artificial stars made with a metal sphere. This talk will be presented in two parts: in room and on site, during a celebrating walk from Pincio to St. Ignatius churc in occasion of the bicentennial of the birth the evening of July 2nd 2018.

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