
BH7 - Black Holes in Higher Dimensions (Black Rings and Black Strings)


Chakraborty, Sumanta


Chakravarti, Kabir; Bose, Sukanta; SenGupta, Soumitra

Talk Title

Signatures of extra dimensions from gravitational waves


In this talk I will discuss the evolution equation for gravitational perturbation in four dimensional spacetime in presence of a spatial extra dimension. The evolution equation is derived by perturbing the effective gravitational field equations on the four dimensional spacetime, which inherits non-trivial higher dimensional effects. The four dimensional gravitational perturbation now admits massive propagating degrees of freedom, courtesy to the existence of higher dimensions. Surprisingly, it turns out that the massive modes experience much smaller damping compared to the massless modes in general relativity and may even dominate over and above the general relativity contribution if one observes the ring down phase of a black hole merger event at sufficiently late times. Furthermore, the whole analytical framework has been supplemented by the fully numerical Cauchy evolution problem as well, which matches very well with the quasi-normal mode computation. The implications will also be discussed.

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