
BH7 - Black Holes in Higher Dimensions (Black Rings and Black Strings)


Cavalcanti, Rogerio


Silva, Allan G.; Rocha, Roldao

Talk Title

Strong deflection limit lensing effects in the minimal geometric deformation and Casadio–Fabbri–Mazzacurati solutions


In this work we apply the strong deflection limit approach to investigate the gravitational lensing phenomena beyond general relativity. This is accomplished by considering the lensing effects related to black hole solutions that emerge out of the domain of Einstein gravity, namely, the ones acquired from the method of geometric deformation and the Casadio–Fabbri–Mazzacurati (CFM) brane-world black holes. The lensing observables, for those brane-world black hole metrics, are compared with the standard ones for the Schwarzschild case. We found that brane-world black holes could have significantly different observational signatures, compared to the Schwarzschild black hole, with terms containing the post-Newtonian parameter, for the case of the CFM, and terms with variable brane-world tension, for the method of geometric deformation.

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