
QG2 - Quantum Gravity Phenomenology


Pfeifer, Christian


Barcaroli, L; Brunkhorst, L.; Gubitosi, G.; Loret, N.

Talk Title

Observables from modified dispersion relations on curved spacetimes: circular orbits, redshift and lateshift


The Hamiltonian formulation of modified dispersion relations allows for their implementation on generic curved spacetimes. In turn it is possible to derive phenomenological effects. In this talk I will present how to construct the kappa-Poincare dispersion relation on curved spacetimes, its spherically symmetric realization: the kappa-Poincare deformation of Schwarzschild spacetime and the general first order modification of the general relativistic Friedmann-Lemaitre-Robertson-Walker dispersion relation. For the spherically symmetric case observables such as the innermost circular orbits and the redshift of photons will be derived. For the FLRW case we find the general red- and lateshift formula. Observations on the shadows of black holes and time of arrival of high energetic gamma-rays and neutrinos are capable of finding evidence or constraints for the modified dispersion relations under consideration.

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