
QG2 - Quantum Gravity Phenomenology


Kwapisz, Jan


Frederic Grabowski

Talk Title

Asymptotic Safety in Gravity and the Conformal Standard Model


Most of the extensions of the Standard Model proposes introduction of new particles and interactions. However we cannot predict the properties of this particles from the models themselves. So for example the masses of the particles might be arbitrary, much too big for us to measure them in particle accelerators. Hence narrowing down the possible parameters to a single value or small interval would be a huge advantage in the search for new particles. On the other hand we know that gravity isn’t perturbatively renormalisable. There were various solutions proposed. Steven Weinberg hypothesised that gravity possesses a UV interacting fixed point, which will allow us to treat it as fundamental theory. Moreover such hypothesis has significant influence on particle physics, since one can calculate the allowed coupling constants values in the low energy physics. We apply the hypothesis of asymptotic safety of gravity to the extensions of the Standard Model to make specific, experimental predictions for these particles properties. We apply our analysis to the models extended only by one additional scalar field (and possibly some fermionic or vector particles) called Higgs portal models, with the focus on the Conformal Standard Model, which is one of those. This assumptions will let us calculate the allowed self-coupling parameters (from which we can calculate masses, because the Higgs mass and vacuum expectation value are known experimentally). We expect to obtain the exactly one value satisfying the conditions originating from this assumptions. Such an analysis was never done in context of Higgs portal models with gauge fields or for the CSM. The Higgs portal models are of high importance and attract a lot of attention, because they can deal, in principle, with the problems of the Standard Model, which cannot be solved just by asymptotic safety assumption. The results would be generic for all Higgs portal models. They could be used in the context of non-minimally coupled inflationary models including Higgs portal term, since the non-minimal gravitational couplings are in the direct relation with the self-couplings. In my talk I will outline the asymptotic safety hypothesis, discuss its implications in the particle physics. I will also briefly describe the Conformal Standard Model and show our preliminary results for the values of self couplings in the CSM.

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