
CM3 - Future Steps in Cosmology with CMB Spectral Distortions


Remazeilles, Mathieu


Remazeilles, Mathieu; Chluba, Jens

Talk Title

Extracting foreground-obscured µ-type spectral distortions with future CMB satellites


Non-standard processes occurring at pre-recombination era have released energy into the primordial plasma, causing faint µ-type distortions to the CMB blackbody spectrum. Aside from average CMB distortions, anisotropies of µ-type spectral distortions are also expected from anisotropic heating mechanisms, such as damping of primordial small-scale acoustic modes in the presence of primordial non-Gaussianity, anisotropic dark matter annihilation, dissipation of large-scale primordial magnetic fields, clustering of primordial black holes. Future CMB satellites might enable to measure the correlated signal between CMB temperature and µ-type distortion anisotropies, as long as the astrophysical foreground contamination is controlled to the desired accuracy. We will discuss the problem of foregrounds and frequency coverage for the extraction of anisotropic µ-type spectral distortions, and propose a tailored component separation method to measure the µ-T correlated signal without bias based on foreground-contaminated sky simulations of future CMB satellites.

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