
CM3 - Future Steps in Cosmology with CMB Spectral Distortions


Mukherjee, Suvodip


Suvodip Mukherjee, Rishi Khatri Benjamin D. Wandelt

Talk Title

Probing axions with CMB spectral distortions


Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) is a unique probe to the Universe which carries the signatures of cosmic secrets from a vast range of redshifts. Along with the spatial fluctuations in the blackbody part of CMB, the spectral distortions in CMB blackbody also carries information about several cosmological and astrophysical phenomena. I will discuss one of such promising phenomena which can arise from the conversion of the CMB photons to axions in the presence of an external magnetic field. These induce a new kind of spectral distortions arising from the resonant and non-resonant conversion happening in the galaxy clusters, voids and also in the Milky Way. In the presence of Milky Way magnetic field, this phenomenon produces a unique anisotropic completely polarized spectral distortion in the CMB blackbody from the resonant conversion and partially or completely unpolarized spectral distortions from the non-resonant conversion. These new kinds of spectral distortion open up a window to probe axions over a wide mass range, which also encompasses the viable mass range for axions to be the dark matter. With the future CMB missions, a wide range of the axions or the axion-like particles will be explored with an unprecedented accuracy, which will be capable to answer several questions in fundamental physics.

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