
CM3 - Future Steps in Cosmology with CMB Spectral Distortions


Rubino-Martin, Jose Alberto


Rubino-Martin, J.A.; Hernandez-Monteagudo, C.

Talk Title

Resonant Scattering of CMB photons: A Tomographic View of the Universe from Recombination to Reionization


Resonant scattering of CMB photons produces spectral and spatial distortions that can be used to obtain tomographic information of the Universe. On the one hand, I will discuss how the coherent scattering in neutral hydrogen lines during recombination produce frequency-dependent changes in the power spectra of CMB anisotropies, both in intensity and polarization, which could be used as an independent cosmological probe. Moreover, the same physical process during the dark ages could be used to constrain the abundance of metals in the pre-reionization Universe. However, an exquisite control on foreground contamination and inter-calibration of instrumental channels is essential to measure these features.

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