
CM3 - Future Steps in Cosmology with CMB Spectral Distortions


Maffei, Bruno


Maffei, Bruno; Aghanim, Nabila; Maillard, Jean-Pierre; Abitbol, Max; Savini, Giorgio; Errard, Josquin; Remazeilles, Mathieu; Tartari, Andrea; Pagano, Luca; Vermeulen, Gérard; Roussafi, Abdellah; Chluba, Jens; Lagache, Guilaine; Macias-Perez, Juan; Rodriguez, Louis; Aumont, Jonathan; Bouchet, François; Dole, Hervé; Douspis, Marian; Guillet, Vincent; Grain, Julien; Haziot, Ariel; Langer, Mathieu; Longval, Yuying; Mangilli, Anna; Pointecouteau, Etienne; Puget, Jean-Loup; Rouillé, Gérard; Sauvage, Valentin; Starck, Jean-Luc; Trappe, Neil; Triqueneaux, Sébastien

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PRISTINE: Polarized Radiation Interferometer for Spectral disTorsions and INflation Explorer


With the success of the ESA Planck mission the concordance cosmological models is established as the reference framework. However, outstanding questions about this model are still unanswered. In particular the simplest inflationary model proposed as the origin of the initial matter perturbations is favoured by Planck measurement of the spectral index and low non-Gaussianity. Nevertheless, it still needs to be confirmed through the measure of its smoking gun signature: the relic background of primordial gravitational waves. The latter can only be observed through the CMB polarisation: namely B-modes. The CMB frequency spectrum is another key observable to probe the cosmological model. Spectral distortions, encode information about the full thermal history of the Universe from the early stages until today. Many of these processes are part of our standard cosmological model and are expected to leave spectral distortions. The PRISTINE concept which will be proposed as a single small-size space mission aims at measuring spectral distortions of the CMB black-body spectrum and at the same time the B-mode polarisation.

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