
GB4 - Photospheric Emission in GRBs


Siutsou, Ivan


Prakapenia, Mikalai; Vereshchagin, Gregory

Talk Title

Numerical Treatment of Uehling-Ulenbeck Equations in Relativistic Plasma: Fast scheme with GPGPU Usage


We propose a fast numerical scheme for Uehling-Ulenbeck equations, i.e. Boltzmann equations with inclusion of quantum degeneracy. The presented case treats isotropic mildly relativistic electron-positron-photon plasma including all two- and three-particle interactions (bremsstrahlung, double Compton scattering, etc.). The scheme, however, is much more general and can be applied to the wide class of systems with kinetic description. We propose a fast deterministic algorithm for multidimensional integration of collision integrals in such systems, that includes suitable angular reparametrization.

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