
AT4 - Massive gravity, Horndeski theory and other "ghost-free" models of modified gravity


Kanti, Panagiota


Antoniou, Georgios; Bakopoulos, Athanasios

Talk Title

Scalar-Gauss-Bonnet Theories: Evasion of No-Hair Theorems and Novel Black-Hole Solutions


We consider a general Einstein-scalar-GB theory with a coupling function f(\phi). We demonstrate that black-hole solutions appear as a generic feature of this theory since a regular horizon and an asymptotically-flat solution may be easily constructed. We show that the existing no-hair theorems are easily evaded under mild assumptions for the coupling function f(\phi). We consider a variety of forms for the coupling function (exponential, even and odd polynomial, inverse polynomial, and logarithmic), and present the corresponding families of regular black-hole solutions with non-trivial scalar hair. We also determine and study in detail the properties of the derived black holes such as the scalar charge, horizon area and entropy.

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