
GW5-6 - DECIGO The Role of Numerical Relativity in Gravitational Wave Observations


Hashimoto, Yasuka


Sato, Shuichi

Talk Title

Demonstration of Drag-Free Control and Development of Micro-Newton Thrust Stand for DECIGO


DECIGO (DECi-hertz Interferometer Gravitational wave Observatory) is a planned Japanese space antenna project for detecting gravitational wave in space. Among several key technologies to realize DECIGO, drag-free(DF) and closely related formation-flying(FF) controls are ones of most important technologies. A couple of experiments were planned in order to establish basics required for DF and FF controls: one is a demonstration of DF/FF control using space craft mock-up with cold gas jet thruster, and the other is a development of thrust-stand to measure force noise level of low noise micro-newton thruster. We will summarize current status of there experiments and discuss about future plans.

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