
GW1 - Sources of Gravitational Waves


Regimbau, Tania


Talk Title

The quest for the Gravitational-Wave stochastic Background with LIGO and Virgo


The first detections of colliding black holes in distant galaxies and more recently neutrons stars by LIGO and Virgo have already provided interesting informations about the rate of compact binaries and the mass distributions of their components. With the improvement of the sensitivity, many more detections are expected in the next few years, and there is also a realistic chance that we can observe the gravitational wave stochastic background formed by all the sources at higher redshift that are too faint to be seen individually. In this talk, I will present the latest predictions of the stochastic background formed by the cosmological population of binary black holes and binary neutrons stars. I will also discuss the constraints on cosmic strings models derived from the first LIGO/Virgo observational run.

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