
GW1 - Sources of Gravitational Waves


Arca Sedda, Manuel


Bemacquista, M.

Talk Title

Using merged BHs spins and masses to infer the formation history of their progenitors


In this talk we investigate how the observed remnant masses and spins of merged black holes (BHs) can be used to constrain the progenitor binary black hole (BBH) formation history. Exploring different models, we found that the observed population of merged BHs is hard to reconcile with high-mass stellar BHs formed in metal poor environments. We find that if the LIGO sources were isolated BBHs, their components should have been characterised by mildly misaligned spins. The sources GW170104 and GW170814 may have formed through this channel. On another hand, a dynamical origin does a better job of explaining the origin of GW170608 and GW151226, likely formed from stars with nearly solar metallicities. Finally, we discuss the possibility that GW150914 may have originated from multiple merger events in a dense cluster.

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