
GB1 - Fast radio bursts: observations, ideas and prospects


Kaspi, Victoria


CHIME/FRB Collaboration

Talk Title

The CHIME/FRB Project


The CHIME/FRB Project uses the newly built Canadian Hydrogen Intensity Mapping Experiment (CHIME) to detect and characterize Fast Radio Bursts (FRBs). Presently commissioning and located in Penticton, British Columbia, CHIME is a novel transit radio telescope consisting of four 20m x 100m cylindrical paraboloids oriented North-South, each having 256 dual-polarization feeds sensitive in the range 400-800 MHz hanging along its focal axis. Though originally designed for cosmological purposes, CHIME's ~220 square-degree field-of-view, large sensitivity and wide bandwidth make it very promising for the detection of FRBs, with best estimates suggesting detection rates of 2-42 FRBs/day. In this talk, the current status of the CHIME/FRB project and its envisioned capabilities will be described.

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