
DM2 - Dark Matter and rare processes


Poda, Denys


Talk Title

Status And Perspectives Of Double-Beta Decay Search With Cryogenic Detectors


Over about two decades, cryogenic detectors have been developing and using in high-sensitivity dark matter and/or double-beta decay experiments, providing also a synergy of these rare event searches. Recently, a viability of low temperature detectors has been proved at a large scale by a successful operation of a 750-kg bolometric detector array in CUORE double-beta experiment. On demand of next-generation large-scale experiments (CUPID, AMoRE), there are completed / ongoing various R&Ds of cryogenic detectors with active particle identification. Moreover, some recently developed technologies have been used for the realization of small-scale (~1–10 kg) demonstrators (LUCIFER/CUPID-0, LUMINEU/CUPID-Mo, AMoRE-Pilot and AMoRE-I, CYGNUS). The status and perspectives of the double-beta cryogenic experiments and the dedicated R&Ds will be highlighted in the talk.

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