
AT7 - Theories of gravity: alternatives to the cosmological and particle standard models


Hammad, Faycal


Talk Title

Density Perturbations in f(R,φ)-Gravity with an Application to the (Varying Power)-Law Model


Density perturbations in the cosmic microwave background within general f(R,ϕ) models of gravity are presented. The general dynamical equations for the tensor and scalar modes in any f(R,ϕ) gravity model are provided. An application of the equations to the (varying power)-law modified gravity toy-model is then given. Formulas and numerical values for the tensor-to-scalar ratio, the scalar tilt and the tensor tilt are all obtained within this specific model. While the model cannot provide a theoretical reason for the value of the energy scale at which inflation should occur, it is found, based on the latest observations of the density perturbations in the sky, that the model requires inflation to occur at an energy scale less than the GUT-scale (10^14GeV). The different energy intervals examined here show that the density perturbations obtained from observations are recovered naturally, with very high precision, and without fine tuning the model's parameters.

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