
CM5 - Present and future of CMB observations


Rotti, Aditya


Kevin Huffenberger

Talk Title

Real-space Computation of E/B-mode Maps I: Formalism and Compact Kernels


We present real-space operators that convert between polarization Stokes Q/U parameters to the coordinate-independent, scalar E/B modes that are widely used in Cosmic Microwave Background and cosmic shear analysis. The covolution kernels split naturally into angular and radial parts and we show explicitly how the spatial extent of the convolution kernel depends on the targeted band-limit. We argue that an arbitrary radial dependence can produce E/B-like maps and that these are simply filtered versions of the standard E/B maps. This allows the computation of E/B maps in real space with a compactly-supported kernel, an approach that can guarantee the avoidance of known foreground regions and can be employed in a massively parallel scheme at high-resolution. The spatial structure of the real space operators provides intuition for the E/B structure of polarized filamentary galactic foregrounds.

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