
CM5 - Present and future of CMB observations


Mukherjee, Suvodip


CMB-BHARAT Collaboration

Talk Title

CMB-BHARAT: Case for an India led CMB Space Mission


The observations of the energy spectrum and spatial anisotropies of the cosmic microwave background (CMB) radiation has spearheaded the transition into an era of precision cosmology. The previous CMB space missions have explored the temperature anisotropies and part of the polarization anisotropies with high accuracy and have allowed us to make an accurate determination of the cosmological parameters. However, most of the polarisation information and an almost untouched spectral information remains to be mapped out with a more capable mission with high-value returns for cosmology and high energy physics. I will present a case for an India led next-generation CMB space mission capable to map the sky with both imager and spectrometer over a wide frequency range. This mission carries the capability to make high-resolution B-mode maps and also to probe CMB spectral distortions with an unprecedented accuracy. Along with multiple high science dividends in cosmology, this mission will also provide a golden dataset to study several astrophysical aspects of our galaxy.

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