
AT3 - Wormholes, Energy Conditions and Time Machines


Bronnikov, Kirill


Talk Title

Dynamic wormholes from nonlinear elecrodynamics in GR


We consider spherically symmetric configurations in general relativity, supported by nonlinear electromagnetic fields with gauge-invariant Lagrangians depending on the single invariant $f = F_{\mu\nu} F^{\mu\nu}$. Considering metrics with two independent functions of time, we find a natural generalization of the class of wormholes found previously by Arellano and Lobo with a time-dependent conformal factor. Such wormholes are shown to be only possible for some particular choices of the Lagrangian function $L(f)$, having no Maxwell weak-field limit. Their time evolution contains cosmological-type singularities. For general non-Maxwell $L(f)$, instead of the familiar electric-magnetic duality, there exists the so-called FP duality, connecting theories with different $L(f)$; accordingly, for some of the wormhole solutions naturally emerging with magnetic fields, the electric counterparts with the same metric are ill-defined from the viewpoint of the Lagrangian formalism.

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