
AT3 - Wormholes, Energy Conditions and Time Machines


Shaikh, Rajibul


Talk Title

Shadows cast by rotating wormholes


We study shadows cast, under some circumstances, by a certain class of rotating wormholes and explore the dependence of the shadows on the wormhole spin. We compare our results with that of a Kerr black hole. For small spin, the shapes of the shadows cast by a wormhole and black hole are nearly identical. However, with increasing values of the spin, the shape of a wormhole shadow start deviating considerably from that of a Kerr black hole. Detection of such considerable deviation in future observations may possibly indicate the presence of a wormhole. In other words, our results indicate that the wormholes which are considered in our work and have reasonable spin can be distinguished from a black hole, through the observation of their shadows.

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