
AT3 - Wormholes, Energy Conditions and Time Machines


Olmo, Gonzalo J.


Afonso, V. I. ; Orazi, E. ; Rubiera-Garcia, D.

Talk Title

Ricci-Based Gravity Theories and their Correspondence with GR.


I will show that the field equations of metric-affine theories of gravity whose Lagrangian is a nonlinear function of the Ricci tensor can be written in Einstein form introducing both an auxiliary metric and auxiliary matter fields. In this way the resolution of the equations can be done directly from within the framework of General Relativity coupled to nonlinear matter fields. In other words, the nonlinearities of the gravity sector can be transferred to the matter fields. The correspondence with the original nonlinear gravity theory only involves algebraic manipulations. Standard analytical and numerical methods can thus be used to deal with these theories.

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