
AT3 - Wormholes, Energy Conditions and Time Machines


Kim, Sung-Won


Talk Title

Cosmological Horizons for Wormhole Cosmology


Recently we got the exact solution of the cosmological model from the isotropic form of the Morris-Thorne type wormhole. By solving the Einstein's field equation, we found the exact solution of a wormhole in expanding Friedmann-Lemaitre-Robertson-Walker universe. The matter or radiation or lambda is considered as the component of single component universe. For the multi-component universe case, we adopt the Lambda-CDM universe with matter and lambda. In case of the single-component universe, the apparent horizons coincide at a certain time. However, they have two coincidence times in the multi component universe, which means that they start at early times and finish at late times like the combination of two single component universes. The particle horizon is also discussed on what is happening for the case of with wormhole. The particle horizon with wormhole shows the elimination of wormhole region and that without wormhole starts later than that with wormhole in proper distance coordinate. The past light cones with or without wormhole shows the similar natures to the particle horizon.

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