
BN3 - NS-NS and NS-WD mergers


Lattimer, James


Talk Title

Neutron Star Constraints From GW170817


The gravitational waves from GW170817 have been fit, for the first time, to the TaylorF2 waveform model with the important constraint that both stars have the same equation of state. It is shown this constraint is accurately implemented using Lambda_1/Lambda_2=q^6, where q is the binary mass ratio and the Lambdas are the deformabilities. The observed data shows significant evidence for the common EOS assumption. Assuming a common EOS reduces the estimate of the binary deformability by about 20% and also lowers estimates of the radii of the merging neutron stars. Other improvements in the fitting include fixing the source location and distance from electromagnetic observations. The constraints on neutron star radii derived from GW170817 are compared to those inferred from other astrophysical observations as well those predicted by theoretical calculations of neutron matter and nuclear experiments.

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