
DE1 - Dark Energy and the Accelerating Universe




Talk Title

Non-metric Fields From Quantum Gravity


In this presentation, we will show it is more appropriate to use connection coefficients more general than the Levi-Civita connections in a general quantum theory of gravity irrespective of coupling with gauge and matter fields. We will demonstrate this for a canonical quantum theory of gravity. We will also find that quantum fluctuations in geometry can give additional fields besides metric. These are associated with the generalized connections. These additional fields vanish in the classical spacetime manifolds that are solutions of the Einstein equations with connections given by the Levi-Civita connections. These additional fields also arise in a path integral formulation of quantum gravity with the Palatini action. They can be described by the torsion tensor and a symmetric second rank covariant tensor together with its ordinary partial derivatives. The later field is not considered in the quantum theory of gravity. This field and torsion can enhance the dynamical degrees of freedom of quantum theory of gravity and become significant in quantum cosmology. We will also find that we may have to extend the strict electric current conservation law when we use connections more general that the Levi-Civita connections.

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