
DE1 - Dark Energy and the Accelerating Universe


Ivanov, Dimitar


Talk Title

The Luminosity Distance - Redshift Relation in Cosmologies Beyond FLRW


Observations from standard candles (such as type Ia supernovae) are usually fitted with a theoretical d_L(z) relation based on simple FLRW cosmology. If one considers departures from such a cosmology, for example due to cosmic structure inhomogeneities or in models beyond the ΛCDM, one needs an improved formula for the luminosity distance. I will show how such a formula can be derived in Conformally FLRW and linearly perturbed FLRW cosmologies. The derivation is based on two different but related approaches - one using the Jacobi map and another using the van Vleck determinant. I will finish by commenting on the application of this formalism to the analysis of present and future data.

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