
DE1 - Dark Energy and the Accelerating Universe


Mebarki, Noureddine



Talk Title

Dynamical study of a viscous modified Chaplygin gas in classical and loop quantum cosmology


A dynamical analysis of a viscous modified Chaplygin gas model within loop quantum cosmology (LQC) is discussed. It turns out that the model reproduces the main results of the standard model without assuming a priori the existence of cosmological constant. The problem related to fine-tuning is solved as the model is dynamical so it allows the energy density describing dark energy to decrease slowly to very small values and meets the observational data . In addition, the coincidence problem is solved too. At LQC background and at large scale the results found are the same as those of classical background and at small scale the Big Bang singularity problem is solved and replaced by a bounce. The universe in its evolution will undergo a decelerated expansion when dominated by dark matter modeled by VMCG before the decoupling dark energy/dark matter, the model then changes to behave like dark energy and the universe enters a phase of an accelerated expansion.

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