
AT6 - Applied Newton-Cartan Geometry


Hartong, Jelle


Troels Harmark, Niels A. Obers

Talk Title

Non-Relativistic Strings For Non-Relativistic Gravity


By non-relativistic gravity we take to mean any theory whose equations of motion allow us to solve for the fields of (torsional) Newton-Cartan geometry. What are these equations and can they be derived from an action principle? Furthermore, can they be obtained by quantising the worldsheet sigma model of a string moving in a torsional Newton-Cartan geometry and finally, does the notion of holography apply to the realm of non-relativistic gravity? In this talk we will address these questions and in particular study the action of two types of non-relativistic strings: one obtained by null reduction in the target space of the Polyakov action of a relativistic string and one obtained as a non-relativistic limit of strings moving on AdS5xS5.

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