
HR1 - History of Relativity and Cosmology (


Gaina, Alexei


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Some forgotten relativists


There is few ways to make history of Relativity and Cosmology. Some peoples, e.g. Dmitry Rabounski[1] having some preferential authors in Relativity (e.g. Abram Zelmanov) write articles, where cite only him, which is relativiely scarcely represented in databases, such as ADS NASA, SPIRES, Zentrlablatt fur Mathemtik. Other, e.g. me, is adding articles or books by some forgotten Relativist Physicists to Databases mentioned above. Here I would like just to show the names of some Relativistic Physicists, which had considerable impact on Relativity and Cosmology in the past, but are forgotten by actual researchers: Gheorghe Vranceanu (1900-1979), Gheorghe Gheorghiev (1907-1999), Teofil Vescan (1913-1963), Cleopatra Mociutchi-Tomozei (1929-2011),Cecile deWitt-Morette (1922-2017), Nikolay V. Mitskevich (b. 1931), Nicolas Ionescu-Pallas (1932-2017). By this I would like to invite researchers just to inspect more carefully databases mentioned above, searching these names. Reference: Rabounski, D.,Progress in Physics, Vol. 2,no 1, pp.35-37

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