
EU2C - Quantum Fields


Arai, Shun


Sergey Sibiryakov, Yuko Urakawa

Talk Title

Inflationary perturbations with Lifshitz scaling


We consider primordial perturbations with a single inflaton field in the framework of 4d-Horava-Lifshitz gravity. For the sake of Lorentz violation in the Horava Lifshitz gravity, all the components obey the dispersion relations with Lifshitz scaling and one additional scalar degree of freedom appears, this is called “Khonon”. Since the Khronon gravitationally couples to the inflaton, the generation of an isocurvature perturbation could be expectable. However, we show that the curvature perturbation is preserved at super-horizon scales and the isocurvature is irrelevant to the primordial spectra at linear approximation. This is due to the mass acquisition of the Khronon before the horizon exit. Consequently, we reveal that the primordial fluctuations at Lifshitz regime are consistent with cosmological observations. Moreover, we found that the detection of primordial gravitational waves can test Lorentz symmetry of the gravity sector at the inflationary energy scale, where it is the highest energy scale for the experimental test of Lorentz symmetry in gravity. This talk is based on the paper arXiv: 1803.01352.

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