
AC1 - Spectral and Temporal properties of Black Holes and neutron stars and the theoretical models


Vyas, Mukesh Kumar


Chattopadhyay, Indranil

Talk Title

Compton driving and heating of relativistic astrophysical jets


General relativistic steady state analysis of relativistic jets under strong radiation field is carried out. The radiation field, generated by accretion disc, imparts momentum as well as energy upon the outflowing jet under Compton scattering. As a result, jet gains momentum and are simultaneously heated up. Consequences of these are discussed in detail. Further, the impact of accretion disc luminosity and jet plasma composition is studies in exploratory manner. The electron proton jets are accelerated up to Lorentz factors up to a few while pair dominated jets comfortably exceed Lorentz factors above 10. It is shown that the radiation under Compton scattering is able to drive jet from very close to the base even when it has very small thermal push.

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