
ES1 - Exact Solutions in Four and Higher Dimensions: Mathematical Aspects


Faraoni, Valerio


Faraoni, Valerio; Cardini, Adriana; Chung, Wen-Jan

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Simultaneous baldness and cosmic baldness and the Kottler spacetime


The Kottler/Schwarzschild-de Sitter geometry is the unique spherical solution of the vacuum Einstein equations with positive cosmological constant. Putative alternatives in the literature are shown to either solve different equations or to be the KSdS solution in disguise. No-hair and cosmic no-hair come together in a new simultaneous theorem for KSdS in the presence of an imperfect fluid. [Based on V. Faraoni, A.M. Cardini & W.-J. Chung 2018, Phys. Rev. D 97, 024046/1-9 (arXiv:1711.01880)]

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