
HE3 - The first Chinese X-ray astronomy mission Insight-HXMT at MGXV


Xiao, Guangcheng


Ge, Mingyu; Qu, Jinlu; Zhang Shu; Li Zijian; Zhang Wei; Zhang Shuangnan

Talk Title

Insight-HXMT views CRSF of Her X-1


Recent observations of Her X-1 with NuSTAR and INTEGRAL in 2016 have provided evidence, that the 20 year long decay of the cyclotron line energy found between 1996 and 2015 has ended and that an inversion with a new increase, possibly similar to the one observed around 1990-1993 has started. Using the latest data of the Hard X-ray Modulation Telescope (Insight-HXMT) observed in 2017 and 2018, we have done a serial of timing and spectral work, including the searching of pulsar rotation period, the pulse profiles of different energy band and the fitting of cyclotron line in phase-averaged spectrum. The work shows the good condition of our satellite and verifies the evolution trend of cyclotron line energy. We compared the results between the 5 observations.

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