
AT1 - Extended Theories of Gravity and Quantum Cosmology


Buoninfante, Luca


Alexey Koshelev, Gaetano Lambiase, Anupam Mazumdar

Talk Title

Towards non-singular metric solutions in ghost-free infinite derivative theories of gravity


In this talk we will analyze all the curvature tensors in the ghost-free infinite derivative theory of gravity, for the static metric in the linear regime. We will show that at short distances the Ricci tensor and the Ricci scalar are not vanishing, meaning that we do not have a Schwarzschild vacuum solution anymore due to the smearing of the (delta-)source induced by the presence of a non-local gravitational interaction. It also follows that, unlike in Einstein’s gravity, the Riemann tensor is not traceless and it does not coincide with the Weyl tensor. Moreover, these curvatures are regularized at short distances such that they are singularity-free, in particular the same happens for the Kretschmann invariant. Unlike the others, the Weyl tensor vanishes at short distances, implying that the spacetime metric becomes conformally-flat in the region of non-locality. As a consequence, the non-local region can be approximated by a conformally-flat manifold with non-negative constant curvature. These results are very good hints to study metric solutions for the full non-linear field equations.

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