
AT1 - Extended Theories of Gravity and Quantum Cosmology


Abebe, Amare


Namane, Neo; Sami, Heba

Talk Title

Oscillating f(R)-gravity solutions


It is currently understood that the large-scale structure of the Universe follows an almost homogeneous and isotropic distribution. This homogeneity and isotropy breaks on small scales. Studies have shown that this homogeneity and isotropy breaking can be explained using oscillating correlations between galaxies, clusters and superclusters, which can in turn be achieved with a Schrodinger-like cosmological equation. In this talk, we reproduce existing general relativistic solutions and provide an even richer set of solutions for f(R)-gravity theories, thus providing possible ways of constraining such modified gravity models using observational data. A detailed analysis of oscillatory solutions with viable f(R) models and under realistic initial conditions will be presented.

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