
AT1 - Extended Theories of Gravity and Quantum Cosmology


Hölscher, Patric


Caprini, Chiara; Schwarz, Dominik J.

Talk Title

Astrophysical Gravitational Waves in Conformal Gravity


We investigate gravitational radiation from binary systems in Conformal Gravity (CG) and Massive Conformal Gravity (MCG). These theories have achieved interesting results, like fitting galaxy rotation curves without dark matter. For the linearized theory it turns out that the metric is given by the sum of a massless and a massive spin-2 field. Calculating the decay of the orbital period of binary systems for different mass regimes, our results show that CG and MCG with a small mass for the massive spin-2 field cannot explain the decay of the orbital period via gravitational radiation. But for MCG in the case of a large mass, the decrease of the orbital period is in agreement with current data. This theory seems very interesting since it has a limit to General Relativity and is power-counting renormalizable.

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