
AT1 - Extended Theories of Gravity and Quantum Cosmology


Saal, Margus


Järv, Laur; Rünkla, Mihkel; Saal, Margus; Vilson, Ott

Talk Title

Nonmetricity formulation of general relativity and its scalar-tensor extension


Einstein’s celebrated theory of gravitation can be presented in three forms: general relativity, teleparallel gravity, and the rarely considered before symmetric teleparallel gravity. Extending the latter, we introduce a new class of theories where a scalar field is coupled nonminimally to nonmetricity Q, which here encodes the gravitational effects like curvature R in general relativity or torsion T in teleparallel gravity. We point out the similarities and differences with analogous scalar-curvature and scalar-torsion theories by discussing the field equations, role of connection, conformal transformations, relation to f(Q) theory, and cosmology. The equations for a spatially flat universe coincide with those of teleparallel dark energy, thus allowing us to explain accelerating expansion. Talk will based on arXiv:1802.00492 (accepted for publication in PRD).

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