
AT1 - Extended Theories of Gravity and Quantum Cosmology


SenGupta, Soumitra


Das, A ; Paul, T; SenGupta, S

Talk Title

Invisibility of antisymmetric tensor fields in the light of F(R) gravity


Observable signatures of scalar, fermion and vector degrees of freedom in our universe along with spin 2 symmetric tensor field in the form of gravity arises a natural question - why our universe is free of any perceptible signature of massless antisymmetric tensor modes? This work brings out a natural explanation of this phenomena through higher curvature quantum degrees of freedom in the gravity sector which were dominant in the early universe. In the backdrop of a F(R) gravity model, we propose how the scalar degree of freedom associated with higher curvature term in the model can generate a heavily suppressed coupling between any antisymmetric massless modes and various Standard Model fields.

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