
QG1 - Loop Quantum Gravity


Addazi, Andrea


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Conformal Bootstrap, dS/CFT and Loop Quantum Gravity


We show that the correspondence among $AdS_{3}/CFT_{2}$, the 1D Schwarzian model, SYK model and 3D Loop quantum gravity can be extended to the case of $dS_{3}/CFT_{2}$. The R-matrix, related to the gravitational scattering amplitude near the horizon of $dS_{3}$ black hole, corresponds to a crossing kernel of the holographic in the Schwarzian model side. The R-matrix is related to the 6j-symbol of $SU(1,1)$. We also find that in the Euclidean $dS_{3}$ a new Kac-Moody symmetry of instantons emerges out. We dub these new solutions {\it Kac-Moodions}. A $(1\leftrightarrow 1)$ correspondence of Kac-Moodion levels and $SU(2)$ spin representations is established. In other words, every instanton corresponds to LQG spin representations. The instantons are directly connected to the Black Hole entropy, as punctures on its horizon. This strongly supports the recent proposal, in arXiv:1707.00347, that a Kac-Moody symmetry of gravitational instantons is related to the black hole information processing.

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