
QG1 - Loop Quantum Gravity


Lewandowski, Jerzy


Zhang, Cong; Lewandowski, Jerzy; Ma, Yongge

Talk Title

On the Hamiltonian operator in loop quantum gravity


Although the physical Hamiltonian operator can be constructed in the deparametrized model of loop quantum gravity coupled to a scalar field, its property is still unknown. This open issue is attacked in this paper by considering an operator Hˆv representing the square of the physical Hamiltonian op- erator acting nontrivially on a two-valent vertex of spin networks. The Hilbert space Hv preserved by the graphing changing operator Hˆv is consist of spin networks with a single two-valent non-degenerate vertex. The matrix element of Hˆv are explicitly worked out in a suitable basis. It turns out that the operator Hˆv is essentially self-adjoint, which implies a well-defined physical Hamiltonian operator in Hv for the deparametrized model.

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