
BS2 - Scalar fields in cosmology


Kwapisz, Jan


Krzysztof A. Meissner

Talk Title

Conformal Standard Model and Inflation


In the recent years many extensions of the Standard Model (SM) have been developed, which deal with high energy behaviour of SM, such as hierarchy problem. One of those is the Conformal SM (CSM) proposed by Krzysztof Meissner and Hermann Nicolai (https://arxiv.org/abs/1507.01755) with softly broken conformal symmetry mechanism, which stabilises hierarchy and, with proper choice of parameters, is valid up to the Planck scale. That model consists, in comparison to the SM, of additional right-chiral neutrinos and a complex scalar sextet which, in distinction to the Higgs boson, is not coupled to the SM particles.
 On the other hand Planck data favours inflation scenarios of Starobinsky type. Fedor Bezrukov and Mikhail Shaposhnikov proposed a model in which Higgs particle coupled to gravity can serve as an Inflaton in the Starobinsky framework. 
We proposed Inflation with CSM lagragian in Bezrukov-Shaposhinkov manner, doi: 10.5506/APhysPolB.49.115. The inflation is driven by two non-minimally coupled fields. One of those is the SU(2) Higgs-like doublet and the second is associated with the trace of the sextet. These two fields are related to the Higgs particle and “shadow”, heavier Higgs via the mass mixing matrix. Since these type of models, with non-minimal coupling(s), can match the observational data related to inflation, they are of high interest. We calculated spectral tilt, tensor-scalar ratio and estimated a range of coupling to gravity constants for this model. We proposed a natural extension of CSM, which helps to preserve unitarity of the model. Since then our derivation can provide a consistent (up to Planck scale) fundamental theory for both elementary particles (CSM) and Cosmology (Inflation and dark matter candidates predicted by CSM).

 On my poster talk I will outline CSM and Bezrukov-Shaposhnikov model features, then present our model and finally present our progress in the field and plans for the future.

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