
GW9 - Advanced Data-Analysis Techniques for Gravitational-Wave Detection


Mejuto Villa, Elena


Addesso, Paolo; Mejuto Villa, Elena; Longo, Maurizio; Matta, Vincenzo; Pierro, Vincenzo; Pinto, Innocenzo M.; Troiano, Luigi

Talk Title

Direction Of Arrival Estimation For Transient GW Sources Via Time-Frequency Representations


Direction of arrival (DOA) estimation for transient gravitational wave (GW) observations is a crucial aspect of GW and multi-messenger astronomy, using data from GW interferometric detectors and several different instruments (e.g., radio and gamma-ray telescopes and neutrino observatories). The DOA can be retrieved with high accuracy from the observed arrival-time delays between the GW signals detected by three (or more) non-colocated interferometers. Time-Frequency representations (TFR) are widely used for un-modeled transient GW data analysis. The arrival-time delay between two detectors can be estimated by aligning the related TFR. The aligning algorithm is easily parallelizable - an appealing feature for GPU implementation – and well suited for 3rd generation detectors (ET), with high expected detection rates. In this work we compare different TFRs (including Q-Transform and smoothed Wigner-Ville distributions) and sub-pixel alignment techniques (phase correlation and t-norms) by using numerical simulations for different Signal-to-Noise ratios, and public domain LIGO data.

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