
GW4 - Middle-Frequency (0.1 Hz to 10 Hz) Gravitational Wave (GW) Detection and its Sources


Ando, Masaki


Tomofumi Shimoda, Satoru Takano, Ooi Ching Pin, Naoki Aritomi, Ayaka Shoda, and Yuta Michimura

Talk Title

TOBA: Torsion-Bar Gravitational-Wave Antenna


TOBA (TOrsion Bar Antenna) is a mid.-frequency gravitational wave anttenna, formed by two bar-shaped test masses and laser-interferometric sensors to monitor their differential angular fluctuations. This antenna has a fundamental sensitivity to signals below 1 Hz, even with a ground-based configuration. We have developed prototype detectors scince 2010, and now are prepareing for the third version of the protptype, with 40-cm scale mass and cryogenic operation. We will show the current status and prospects in this presentation.

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