
GW4 - Middle-Frequency (0.1 Hz to 10 Hz) Gravitational Wave (GW) Detection and its Sources


Bertoldi, Andrea


Bertoldi, Andrea; for the MIGA consortium

Talk Title

MIGA and Atom Interferometry for Gravitational Wave Detection at Low Frequency


Atom interferometry has been proposed for the realization of Gravitational Wave (GW) detectors in the infrasound band (10 mHz-10 Hz) [1]. Current ground based GW detectors are blind in such band because of the tidal effect of low frequency gravity noise on the suspended mirrors used as test masses to detect gravitational radiation. Adopting as probes arrays of atomic ensembles in free fall, and measuring their motion on geodesics with atom interferometry allows the suppression of Newtonian Noise [2], enables low frequency sensitivity, and opens the way toward the realization of infrasound GW detectors on Earth. I will report on the "Matter wave - laser based Interferometer Gravitation Antenna" (MIGA) project [3], whose target is to build an atom interferometry based demonstrator for GW detection in the underground environment of LSBB (Rustrel, France). [1] S Dimopoulos et al, Phys Lett B 678, 37 (2009) [2] W Chaibi et al, Phys Rev D 93 (2), 021101 (2009) [3] B Canuel et al, arXiv:1703.02490

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