
GW4 - Middle-Frequency (0.1 Hz to 10 Hz) Gravitational Wave (GW) Detection and its Sources


Gao, Dongfeng


Talk Title

ZAIGA: Zhaoshan long-baseline atom interferometer gravitation antenna


An underground gravitational-wave detection scheme, based on laser-linked atom interferometers, was proposed. We call it ZAIGA (Zhaoshan long-baseline atom interferometer gravitation antenna). The ZAIGA will be located at 200 meters averagely below the ground surface of Mountain Zhao, which is about 80 km southeast to Wuhan city. It will take an equilateral triangle configure, with two 3km-apart atom interferometers in each arm. The scheme will have a strain sensitivity < 10^{-20}/Hz^{1/2} in the middle frequency range (100 mHz-10 Hz). Thus, our proposed ZAIGA can fill in the detection gap between the ground-based GW detectors (such as LIGO, VIRGO and KAGRA) and the future space-based GW detectors (such as LISA).

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