Morning: Rome Sapienza Physics Dept. Aula Amaldi
Commemoration: in Ricordo di Alessandro
9.00 Guido Martinelli (Rettore AST): Welcome speech
9.05 Giancarlo Ruocco, Direttore Dipt. Fisica: Welcome
9.10 Edward J. Rhodes: 25 years of Activity
9.45 Michele Bianda: Personal whereabout on Alessandro Cacciani
10.15 Eric Fossat: The Solar Cacciani Life 10.30-10.45 Coffee Break
10.45 Giovanni Bignami:
The ESA edges: From High Energy Astrophysics to Solar Physics
11.30 Nicola Cabibbo The original contribute of Alessandro Cacciani
11.45 Paolo de Bernardis: The Solar Photosphere and the Cosmic
Photosphere, similarities and differences
12.15 Lunch Break
12.30-13.00 Basilica S. Maria degli Angeli: S. Messa di suffragio
Afternoon: Aula Conversi
Scientific Achievements of Alessandro Cacciani
15.00 Paolo Rapex: The last Cacciani decade reuslts
15.10 Ester Antonucci: Solar Physics 2008
15.30 Runa Briguglio: Cacciani Antarctica results
16.00 Remo Ruffini: Cacciani-Sun and Relativity
16.30 M.Dolci, P.F.Moretti: 10 Years Together
17.15 Costantino Sigismondi: Cacciani and the Solar Tower of Monte Mario
17.30 Coffee break
17.50 Eric Fossat: Solar Oscillations
18.20 Physics Chorus directed by Prof.P.Camiz:
In Memory of a Sunny Life
18.30 Concluding Remarks: Daniele Fargion

Cacciani MOF and
Publications list
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